Forty Years On
Nejedná se ani tak o skutečnou recenzi, jako o zamyšlení nad celou Dworkinovou prací v oblasti právní filozofie, zejména jeho celoživotní boj s právními pozitivisty. I proto je nazvána "Forty Years On" (a zřetelně odkazuje na jeden z Dworkinových esejů, pojmenovaný "Thirty Years On", kde se Dworkin vypořádával s Hartovým Postscriptem). Priel svoje čtenáře uvádí do děje poněkud neobvyklým způsobem:
… In the blue corner—always in the blue corner—we have Ronald “Hercules” Dworkin. He has fought many fights, probably too many to remember, won many, but never—this is how it is with academics—in a knock-out. Yes, that’s what’s so amazing about them, even when it looks like they will not have an answer to that last blow, they always come back with something, always with another trick up their sleeve. In the other corner, heavyweights Richard Posner, Antonin Scalia, Stanley Fish, Jules Coleman, Laurence Tribe, Cass Sunstein, Joseph Raz, and Richard Rorty line up, and they are all here to exchange some well-aimed punches. Dworkin, who hardly slowed down since the days of those legendary fights with H.L.A. Hart and Lon Fuller, has added the experience that comes with age to the agility of his youth, making him adept with all the tools of the academic boxer’s trade: drawing distinctions, exposing inconsistencies, using the reductio to show how absurd was his opponent’s view, and of course, that Dworkin trademark move, accusing his opponents of misrepresenting his own views.
Ale nemusíte se bát, další část článku se již neodehrává pouze v ringu, kde je cílem protivníka zničit, ale na půdě akademie, kde se protivníci jeden od druhého učí (ačkoliv to podle Priela není Dworkinova nejsilnější stránka...) Priel je také zdravě sleptický o účelnosti samotného sporu mezi Dworkinem a velkou částí právní filozofie (především té, která by nesla nálepku "oxfordská"):
Do not get me wrong: serious debate is conducted by advancing theses and ideas in public so others could read and challenge them, with the hope that some truth would survive the fight in the marketplace of ideas. But the problem with academic debates is that the law of diminishing marginal returns applies to them with special ferocity, with successive responses containing more rhetoric and less substance. Given that Justice in Robes contains so much of that, one might wonder whether it is a book worthy of an extended review, especially by an outsider to the original debates. Perhaps we should all just hang on by the ropes for the Big League players to come back for yet another round. Such is academic life that we can be certain that at some point they will.
Návdavkem přidávám ještě odkaz na recenzi (podstatně stručnější) stejné knihy, spolu s recenzí knihy, která shromáždila zamyšlení několika právních filozofů nad Dworkinovým Law's Empire (Scott Hershovitz (ed): Exploring Law's Empire), z pera mého oblíbeného Briana Leitera (který Dworkina opravdu, ale opravdu nemusí...).