Center for Law and Public Affairs (CeLAPA), Ústav státu a práva AV ČR Vás zve na přednášku v rámci Hans Kelsen Annual Lecture Series
Mattias Kumm: The Foundations of Law in Europe and the Problem of Constitutional Conflict
Datum: 16. 12. 2013, 14.00 hod
Místo: Akademie věd ČR, Národní 3, Praha 1, 2. patro, č. 205
The question of the foundations of law is not one that is merely of academic interest. Even though a great many practical questions in law appear to be resolved without reference to foundational questions, there are problems that can´t be resolved without implicitly or explicitly addressing them. One such problem is the problem of constitutional conflict. How should national constitutional courts address conflicts between national constitutions and requirements of European Union law? The lecture will explore different claims about the foundations of law in Europe by way of analyzing the jurisprudence of some of Europe's highest courts as they engage issues of constitutional conflict and relate these to classical positions in jurisprudential debates of the 20th century (Hart, Kelsen, Schmitt, Dworkin). It will provide an answer the following questions: To what extent is there space for legitimate legal pluralism in Europe ? To what extent must a state, including a national constitutional court, accept the iron cage of European legal discipline? If the foundational values in Europe are human rights, democracy and the rule of law, as Art. 2 TFEU claims, what is the role of national identity, statehood and sovereignty?
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Níže připojujeme pozvánku na ještě jednu akci, pořádanou v prosinci CeLAPA: Subsidiarity and Its Discontents: call for presentations Subsidiarity is a widely applicable concept. It has been referred to in various ways for several fields of law and it assumes different functions in each area of law. The principle is increasingly referred to by current human rights scholarship, as a tool to address some of the current problems prevailing in the implementation of the European Convention on Human rights. And whereas most scholars agree that the principle should apply in human rights law, there is still much difference as to the exact scope and field of application of this principle.
Key Note speaker: George Pavlakos
The Colloquium seeks to examine the various forms of subsidiarity in different fields of national and international human rights law. We also welcome critical and theoretical analysis of concepts underlying the principle. The Colloquium will assess whether subsidiarity is really able to provide an adequate answer to the current challenges European polity faces.
Přihlášky na prezentace (max. 20 minut) zasílejte na Petr Agha
Datum: 18. 12. 2013, od 10.00 hod
Místo: Ústav státu a práva AV ČR, Národní 18, Praha 1, 7. patro.
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