20 března 2012

8th annual Prague Conference on Political Economy

Níže přetiskujeme oznámení o konání již osmé pražské konference politické ekonomie. Obdobně jako loni přijedou i letos špičky oboru právněekonomické analýzy, a to včetně J. Colemana a G. Calabresiho, který letos slaví osmdesátku (Guido Calabresi, legenda hnutí law and economics, je soudcem odvolacího soudu pro 2. circuit a profesorem práva na Yale University).

Call for PCPE papers

Prague Conference on Political Economy 2012“Interdisciplinarity, the future of Social Sciences?”CEVRO InstitutePrague, October 26-28 2012

The purpose of the 2012 Prague Conference on Political Economy is to gather papers that will focus on the challenges that multidiciplinarity brings to social sciences and policy-making in the beginning of the 21st century. Both theoretical and empirical papers are expected not only to address the current state of the discipline but also to envisage new perspectives for its development. The conference will welcome papers discussing issues at the intersection of economics, law, political science, history, philosophy, and other humanities.

More specifically, some of the research questions the participants might address are:
Law-and-economics in the 21th century
Austrian Economics and mainstream solutions to economic crises
Libertarian paternalism and “NUDGE” and public policy
Do social scientists need more interdisciplinarity or not?
Heterodox approaches vs. the mainstream in social sciences
European integration at the crossroads,
Challenges to economic freedom measurement – China and the Nordic Model

Participants to the PCPE 2012 will have the opportunity to attend the symposium celebrating the seminal work and the 80th birthday of GUIDO CALABRESI, professor at Yale and Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. The topic of the symposium will be “Law and Economics as an Applied Science. The Legacy of Guido Calabresi”. During this symposium, lectures will be given by JULES COLEMAN, Yale University; ENRICO COLOMBATTO, Università di Torino; MARC GEISTFELD, New York University; JAMES HACKNEY JR., Northeastern University; LAURA KALMAN, University of California at Santa Barbara; ALAIN MARCIANO, Université de Montpellier 1; STEVE MEDEMA, University of Colorado; GIOVANNI B. RAMELLO, Università del Piemonte Orientale; KIP VISCUSI, Vanderbilt University; and BRADLEY WENDEL, Cornell University.

LOCATION: The Conference will take place in the quaint and newly reconstructed building of the CEVRO Institute (school of legal and social studies) in the heart of Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic.
PAPER SUBMISSION PROCEDURE: Please submit abstracts of your papers to josef.sima@vsci.cz. The deadline for submission is June 30, 2012. Decisions will be made by July 15, 2012.
Conference Website: http://www.cevroinstitut.cz/en/Section/pcpe/

Program committeeJosef Šíma, CEVRO InstituteGiovanni Ramello, University of Eastern PiedmontAlain Marciano, Université de Montpellier 1 .

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