Uskuteční se ve dnech 23. a 24. března a sejdou se na ní opravdu skvělá jména (vybírám z programu):
What is a General Principle?
Chair Professor Ulf Bernitz
“What is left of the general principles?” by Dr. Leif Sevón, Former Judge of the European Court of Justice and Former President of the Supreme Court of Justice in Finland
“Article 10 EC, the Most Important ‘General Principle’ in Community Law” by Prof. Dr. John Temple Lang, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP, Professor, Trinity College, Dublin
“Is Direct Effect a General Principle of European Law?” by Prof. Dr. Joxerramon Bengoetxea, University of the Basque Country, San Sebastian and International Institute for the Sociology of Law, Oñati
What is a General Principle?
Chair Professor Ulf Bernitz
“What is left of the general principles?” by Dr. Leif Sevón, Former Judge of the European Court of Justice and Former President of the Supreme Court of Justice in Finland
“Article 10 EC, the Most Important ‘General Principle’ in Community Law” by Prof. Dr. John Temple Lang, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP, Professor, Trinity College, Dublin
“Is Direct Effect a General Principle of European Law?” by Prof. Dr. Joxerramon Bengoetxea, University of the Basque Country, San Sebastian and International Institute for the Sociology of Law, Oñati
"General Principles and National Law - a continuing two-way process" by Prof. Dr. John Usher, University of Exeter
Discussions in Working Groups
Human Rights and Constitutional Law
This group will discuss democratic principles, the rule of law, standards of rights protection and external identity.
Administrative Law
Questions concerning access to justice and fair trial, the principle of transparency as well as the principle of good administration will be discussed.
Private Law
Group discussions will concern invalidity in competition law, the acceptance of legal persons and article 295 Treaty of the European Union.
New Perspectives on General Principles- Experiences Gained Since 1995
This group will focus its discussions on the recent developments within the Member States who have joined the EU in 1995 and 2004. It will also focus on the perspectives of future members of the EU.
Some Thoughts on General Principles
Chair Professor Joakim Nergelius
“The Codification of Human Rights – Some Critical Remarks” by Prof. Dr. AG Toth, University of Strathclyde
“The further development of General Principles of Law within Article 10 EC” by Prof. Dr. Laurence Gormley, University of Groningen
“General Principles and the Individual: Judicial dialogues and monologues” by Prof. Dr. Takis Tridimas, Queen Mary University of London
Has there been any developments…?
Chair Professor Matthias Herdegen
“General Principles of EU law: the Methological Challenge" by Prof. Dr. Matthias Herdegen, University of Bonn
“The Principles of Democracy and Accountability, Consistency and Convergence” by Prof. Dr. Walter van Gerven, University of Leuven
“Concluding Remarks” by Prof. Dr. Joakim Nergelius, Örebro University
Discussions in Working Groups
Human Rights and Constitutional Law
This group will discuss democratic principles, the rule of law, standards of rights protection and external identity.
Administrative Law
Questions concerning access to justice and fair trial, the principle of transparency as well as the principle of good administration will be discussed.
Private Law
Group discussions will concern invalidity in competition law, the acceptance of legal persons and article 295 Treaty of the European Union.
New Perspectives on General Principles- Experiences Gained Since 1995
This group will focus its discussions on the recent developments within the Member States who have joined the EU in 1995 and 2004. It will also focus on the perspectives of future members of the EU.
Some Thoughts on General Principles
Chair Professor Joakim Nergelius
“The Codification of Human Rights – Some Critical Remarks” by Prof. Dr. AG Toth, University of Strathclyde
“The further development of General Principles of Law within Article 10 EC” by Prof. Dr. Laurence Gormley, University of Groningen
“General Principles and the Individual: Judicial dialogues and monologues” by Prof. Dr. Takis Tridimas, Queen Mary University of London
Has there been any developments…?
Chair Professor Matthias Herdegen
“General Principles of EU law: the Methological Challenge" by Prof. Dr. Matthias Herdegen, University of Bonn
“The Principles of Democracy and Accountability, Consistency and Convergence” by Prof. Dr. Walter van Gerven, University of Leuven
“Concluding Remarks” by Prof. Dr. Joakim Nergelius, Örebro University
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ten post je skoro mrtvy, kazdopadne ale ja na tu konferenciu idem, a pripoji sa aj Marek Antos, toho casu v Stockholme dlhodobo dislokovany :)
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