02 listopadu 2006

Nabídka Višegrádských stipendií

International Visegrad Fund nabízí pregraduální (po ukončení druhého ročníku) a postgraduální stipendia pro studium v jiné zemi Višegrádské čtyřky (Polsko, Maďarsko, Slovensko) anebo v zemích jižní a východní Evropy. Uzávěrka je 31. ledna 2007. Níže jsou převzaté obecné informace z webu IVF.

Visegrad Master Scholarships (VMSP) are provided for study projects of applicants who had successfully finished at least 4 semesters of bachelor studies at the sending university.

Intra-Visegrad scholarships - to scholars coming from one of the V4 countries who plan to study one or two semesters in other V4 country.
Out-Going scholarships - outstanding students from V4 countries for studies at acknowledged universities in Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia and Ukraine
In-Coming scholarships - to scholars coming from one of the following countries: Belarus, Croatia, Romania, Russia, Serbia and Montenegro, and Moldova.

Visegrad Post-Graduate Scholarships (VPSP) are provided for study/research projects of applicants who had successfully finished their master studies.

Intra-Visegrad scholarships - to scholars coming from one of the V4 countries who plan to study one or two semesters in other V4 country.
Out-Going scholarships - outstanding students from V4 countries for studies at acknowledged universities in Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia and Ukraine
In-Coming scholarships - to scholars coming from one of the following countries: Belarus, Croatia, Romania, Russia, Serbia and Montenegro, and Moldova.

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