19 května 2015

Pozvánka na přednášku: Elena Lozidou, Law, Love, Anarchism

Center for Law and Public Affairs (CeLAPA), Ústav státu a práva, AV ČR Vás srdečně zve na přednášku na téma: " Law, Love, Anarchism " kterou přednese Dr. Elena Lozidou a která se koná 28. května od 16:00 hod v budově Ústavu státu a práva (Národní 18, 7. patro). 

What is the relationship between law, love and anarchism? To address this question requires us to search for the essence of these entities. If critical legal studies have engaged with love as a way of tracking, pointing to us that law has a body- an emotional body here I would like to engage with the ways in which specific writings in, philosophy, law, and anarchism articulate the problematic of love. The aim here is to show that the way that anarchists account for law, demonstrate both, a subjectivity and a way of life that does not count upon law to either live or act, and a critique of law and legally consumed subjectivity that points to the limits of law that may have not otherwise been addressed by general jurisprudence. The paper will offer an anarchist critique of law and will focus on the anarchist ethos. 

Dr Elena Lozidou is a Reader in Law and Political Theory at the School of Law, Birkbeck College. She is the author of Judith Butler: Ethics, Law, Poltics (2007) and the editor of Disobedience, sujectively speaking. Disobedience Theory and Practice (2013). She is on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Law and Critique and has published on the online blog critical legal thinking.

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