29 listopadu 2014

Pozvánka na workshop

Franz Weyr Fellow Seminar: The Experience of Judgment
Julen Extabe (respondent Zdenek Kühn)
December 4th, 2pm, Ústav státu a práva

In a world populated by multiplicity of voices, perspectives, and normative worldviews, what is the role of courts and how is this role to be imagined? What does it mean to adjudicate a legal case in such pluralist context—and what set of resources (intellectual, emotional, normative, procedural) can a judge rely upon? Can a court lay claim to devising an overarching, homogeneous legal order (e.g., a formal set of human rights valid for all contexts and circumstances)? Should it rather abandon that hope, or replace it with something else? In short, how can judges respond to the demands and complexities of judging in the 21st century? What might its standards of excellence be and with
what relation to democracy?

For registration and more info please contact agha@ilaw.cas.cz.

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