09 září 2009

Workshop: Central and Eastern Europe and the European Union Court System

Pro zájemce o problematiku fungování středo- a východoevropských soudů jako soudů práva Společenství po přistoupení v roce 2004 si dovoluji níže přetisknout pozvánku na workshop na toto téma, který se koná 14. listopadu 2009 na Univerzitě v Loughborough, Velká Británie.

Central and Eastern Europe and the European Union Court System
Date: Saturday 14 November 2009
Venue: Loughborough University, United Kingdom

In May 2009, the European Union (EU) celebrated the fifth anniversary of its 2004 enlargement to Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). The past five years have seen an enormous amount of learning and adjusting both on the part of the new member states from Central and Eastern Europe, but also on the part of EU institutions. This one day workshop is intended to provide a forum for scholars focusing on the study of the impact of the EU enlargement to the CEE countries on the European Union court system and vice versa.

Individual papers, which focus on either aspect of the relationship between the EU court system and CEE member states, whether considering the CEE as a bloc or using one CEE country as a case study, are invited. Papers should reflect (although are not restricted to) the following:
· Experience/role of domestic courts of EU CEE member states as part of the European Union court system;
· Experience of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) with CEE member states of the EU;
· Impact the ECJ has had on the CEE member states of the EU in terms of institutional changes, changes to intra state balance of power, etc.;
· Impact of the CEE member states of the EU on the ECJ (e.g. role of CEE judges at the ECJ, etc.).

To submit a proposal please visit either the CSIG website (http://csig.lboro.ac.uk) or Assessing Accession website (http://assessingaccession.eu) and download the proposal application form. All proposals should be between 300-500 words in length.
Full papers should not exceed 8,000 words. The extended deadline for proposals will be Wednesday 23 September 2009.

For further details on the workshop please visit the CSIG or Assessing Accession websites, or contact Martin Mík by email at m.mik@lboro.ac.uk

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