04 února 2009

Annual Conference on European Tort Law

Na základě informace a z podnětu (za které děkujeme) jedné pravidelné čtenářky zdejšího blogu přinášíme informaci o konferenci spolupořádané v dubnu Institute(m) for European Tort Law, kde daná čtenářka působí. Druhým pořádajícím subjektem je Evropské centrum pro deliktní a pojišťovací právo. Mělo by se jednat o konferenci reflektující vývoj deliktního práva ve vybraných zemích za uplynulý rok, zastoupena je i ČR. Pořádá se každý rok a vždy má jedno speciální téma na sobotu - letos jím je důkazní břemeno.Detailnější informace viz dále.

Annual Conference on European Tort Law | Thursday, April 16, 2009, to Saturday, April 18, 2009.

The Annual Conference on European Tort Law provides both practitioners and academics with the opportunity to learn of the most significant developments in tort law within Europe in the year 2008.

Experts from all over Europe will present the highlights of their contributions to the European Tort Law 2008 Yearbook, which will be published after the Conference by the Institute for European Tort Law of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ETL) and the European Centre of Tort and Insurance Law (ECTIL). The reporters provide a comprehensive overview of the previous year's court practice and legislation in their respective jurisdictions. Furthermore, an overview of the developments in the field of EU law will be provided. A comparative analysis will review the essential aspects of all reports.

In addition to those national reports, the Conference will feature special presentations on current key issues of tort law. The opening lecture will address "Tort law, personal responsibility and expectations of proper compensation and care" and Saturday's presentations will focus exclusively on questions of burden of proof.

There will be ample room for discussion, both at the Conference as well as informally.

This year's conference will take place from Thursday, April 16, 2009, to Saturday, April 18, 2009.

You can also download an information folder (Size 425 kB) and find further information via acet.ectil.org.

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