05 dubna 2008

Konference v Leidenu - smíšené smlouvy

‘Mixed Agreements Revisited’ , 9. a 10. května, Leiden.

Program je připojen níže, spolu s odkazem na stránky konference, kde je dostupný ke stažení i formulář pro registraci.

Friday 9 May

9.30: Opening - Evolution of mixity since the Leiden 1982 conference
Prof. Christiaan Timmermans (Judge, European Court of Justice, Luxembourg)

9.45-11.15: Session 1 - Typology of mixed agreements
Chair: Prof. Christophe Hillion (University of Leiden)
Prof. Marc Maresceau (University of Ghent): EC-Member States’ agreements
Prof. Ramses Wessel (University of Twente): cross-pillar agreements

Coffee break

11.45-1.00: Session 2 – Interpretation and Responsibility
Chair: tba
Prof. Panos Koutrakos (University of Bristol): Interpretation
Prof. Pieter-Jan Kuijper (University of Amsterdam): Responsibility


2.00-3.30: Session 3 – Managing mixity
Chair: tba
Prof. Inge Govaere (University of Ghent and College of Europe): negotiations
Prof. Marise Cremona (European University Institute, Florence): disconnection clauses
Dr. Joni Heliskoski (Ministry of Justice, Helsinki): the establishment of EC/EU/MS positions under mixed agreements (implementation)

Tea break

4.00- 5.30: Session 4 – Mixity in practice (I) – views from the EU
Chair: Prof. Piet Jan Slot (University of Leiden)
Prof. Frank Hoffmeister: (European Commission, Brussels): a view from the Commission
Prof. Jean Paul Jacqué (Council of the EU, Brussels): a view from the Council
Mr. Ricardo Passos (Legal Service, European Parliament): a view from the Parliament

Saturday 10 May

9.30-11.00: Session 5 – Mixity in practice (II) – Members States & third states’ views
Chair: Prof. Marco Bronckers (University of Leiden)
Mr. Ivan Smyth (Legal adviser, FCO, London)
Dr. Ivo van der Steen (Head of the Centre of Expertise on European Law, MFA, The Hague) Prof. Henrik Bull (Judge, EFTA Court, Luxembourg)
Mr. Peter M. Olson (Office of the Legal Adviser, Department of State, US)

Coffee break

11.30-1.00: Session 6 – Constitutional Principles
Chair: Prof. Panos Koutrakos (University of Bristol)
Prof. Christophe Hillion (University of Leiden): consistency and coherence
Prof. Alan Dashwood: (University of Cambridge): mixity in the era of the Reform Treaty

1.00: Closing remarks
Prof. Allan Rosas (Judge, European Court of Justice, Luxembourg)

Details available here.

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