Níže přetiskuji oznámení CEU o konkursu na pozici Senior Academic Position (Full Professor) in Comparative Constitutional Law.
Legal Studies Department
Senior Academic Position (Full Professor) in Comparative Constitutional Law
The Legal Studies Department of Central European University (CEU) in Budapest, Hungary announces a senior academic position (full professor) in Comparative Constitutional Law. The position is open from August 1, 2008 (negotiable).
JOB QUALIFICATIONS: Candidates must hold a PhD (SJD) in law or comparable academic qualifications. Candidates should have a proven record of excellence in scholarship, publishing and teaching in constitutional law. Comparative public law experience is an advantage. Teaching experience at graduate level in a multi-cultural environment is required.
JOB DESCRIPTION: We expect applications from candidates who are willing to make a long-term commitment to working and living in Budapest full time. Salary and benefits are dependent upon qualifications and experience. The compensation package is subject to Hungarian taxation regulations. The university assists its employees who are not citizens or permanent residents of Hungary in order to obtain a work permit.
ABOUT CEU: Central European University (http://www.ceu.hu/) is an English-speaking graduate research-intensive university specializing primarily in the social sciences and humanities, located in Budapest, Hungary and chartered as a degree-granting institution both in the United States and in Hungary. CEU's primary mission is to promote academic excellence, state-of-the-art-research, civic commitment, and policy studies in order to contribute to the development of open societies. The Legal Studies Department (http://www.ceu.hu/legal/index.html) offers both Master's and doctoral programs in law. It is divided into three streams: Human Rights, Comparative Constitutional Law and International Business Law.
Please send applications to:
The Rector of CEU
c/o Erika Belko
Human Resources Office
Central European University
H-1051 Budapest
Nador u. 9., Hungary
Fax: + 36 (1) 235-6135
Email: MAILTO:HRO@ceu.hu
The application package should include: C.V., list of publications, a sample publication, short statement about research plans, and the names and addresses of at least three referees.
Applications should reach the Human Resources Office by February 15, 2008.
CEU is an equal opportunity employer..
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